Hungarian Election Reports
Based on the testimonies of over 1600 polling station commission members’ across 6 elections In Hungary, our investigations have revealed a clear pattern of voter fraud and irregularities on election day.
Count for Democracy!
Based on our in-depth investigations, the Count for Democracy! campaign brought artists and civil society together to show how active citizens can better protect the integrity of elections. Directed by Viktor Bodó, pioneering videos highlight the impact of polling day corruption, the co-dependent system and the heroic role well-trained poll workers’ play in defending democracy.
Advocacy & Education
Our civic education programme includes an interactive E-learning platform for poll workers, training and supervision to journalists investigating and mentoring cross-border voting, and an Open University course exploring captured electoral systems. We continue to advocate for citizen election observation across the EU, having successfully secured a full ODIHR Election Observation Mission ahead of the ‘22 Hungarian parliamentary elections.
Cross-Border Projects
Our transnational projects have brought together artists and election watchdogs to entertain, educate and activate young voters, sought to highlight and address the main internal threats to democracy within the bloc, and held election observation exchanges.
Electoral Integrity Conference
Bringing together a New Generation of activists, civil society, election watchdog and pro-democracy groups, this two-day event provided a platform to safeguard electoral integrity and strengthen democracy through civic engagement across Europe.